Change Log
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The demo site is constantly being improved and updated. Please check this site regularly for updates.
The change log below indicates the changes, both in terms of fixes and features improvements, between versions.
Version 3.0.15 released Tuesday 3rd July 2007
- Fixed: Site heading and slogan look different in FF and IE
- Fixed: Forum Manager doesn't work
- Fixed: Registering users doesn't work
- Fixed: I'm not able to leave post in the forum
- Fixed: Clicking on submit button throws an error with Sql2000 Databases
- Fixed: Enter in the Login control
- Fixed: Sitecore.net c 2006 All rights Reserved
- Fixed: Forum doesn't work
- Fixed: The requested document was not found in login page
- Fixed: Automate some of the build steps
- Fixed: SharePoint has labels' IDs instead of labels' names
- Fixed: Open Audit File is failed
- Fixed: "The requested document was not found" on Forum Manager
- Fixed: Hide blog link from login page in non-American languages
- Fixed: Null Reference Exception in Forum Manager
- Fixed: Users in Extranet DB
- Fixed: Debug text (11111) on Company History page
- Fixed: Move workflow actions so that they aren't displayed in workbox
- Fixed: Do not show untranslated items in vertical menu, unless web editing
- Fixed: Switch email alert to 'workflow mode'
- Fixed: Set Marlene's client language to de
- Fixed: Breadcrumb outputs item names instead of titles
- Fixed: Dragging About US node throws exception
- Fixed: Show untranslated items in left nav, while in preview
- Fixed: Switching month in Blog causes unhandled exception
- New: EXE file is distributed
Known Issues:
- The Print function does not work properly: the layout of the site is not displayed correctly.
The workaround:
Find and replace the strings <xsl:when test="sc:qs('p')='1'">
<xsl:when test="sc:qs('print')='1'">
in the following file:
\xsl\product detail.xslt.
Version 3.0.13
- SCPrinters DemoSite v.3.0.13 Change Log:
- SharePoint server on Virtual Image now has URL http://masterdemoportal
- Valid masters: Removed masters set on items, so that standard items are used instead. Items that have a unique master set (like sections) continue to use item-based master setup.
- News date: Renderings are updated to be able to use created date, if needed. Removed “Epson accepted by China” explicit news date, so that creation date is used instead.
- Translation rules: It is possible to define which fields must be translated for each template, using content items at /sitecore/content/modules/translation rules. If the item doesn’t have one of the required fields translated, language switcher bar will not display the language.
- RSS: RSS displays older news, so that it has plenty of entries out of the box. In fact 10 newest news items for the last 2 years are displayed.
- Performance Adjustments: The site now uses more aggressive cache settings.
- Default printer image: product template now has a default printer image set using standard values.
- Printer category listing: printer image has maxHeight=120 and maxWidth=90, so that dynamic image scaling can be demonstrated.
- News details: applied maxHeight and maxWidth.
- Fixed: The demo site is not valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. Note: The Forum module pages were not validated due to the module issues.
- Fixed: Phishing attacks on Sitecore is possible. It has been fixed via global.asax according to http://support.microsoft.com/kb/887459 with some additional checking.
- Fixed: "Site help item" field for ALL users except Administrators should be hidden (deny read access for the "Everyone" role).
- Fixed: Now that polls are "priority C", could we then hide the /sitecore/content/Polls node? And maybe also deny read access to everyone so that nobody (except administrators) sees this node? It has been hidden for “Everyone”.
- Fixed: Check broken links (start Broken link report). Note: it has been fixed except system nodes. The fresh Sitecore 5.3 installation has broken links in system nodes and templates.
- All code-behind classes were adjusted for ASP.NET 2.0 model and Web Application Project of VS2005.
- Fixed: Do not output google analytics if internet connection is not available
- Fixed:Login page should display a list of possible destinations after successful login
- Fixed: Debug does not work on front end for all ContentDot
- Fixed: Logo should not link to home page on home page itself
- Fixed: Languageswapper doesn't work if changing iso-code for language
- Fixed: Increase default time for clearing filecache temp files
- Fixed: Wrong field types for some of fields in the Product template
- Fixed: When you’re reading any topic in Forum, switch the language >> Exception occurs.
- Fixed: SharePoint List Connections and Media Connections settings are missing
- Fixed: Some media library folders use wrong template
- Fixed: rename all things called "Wise Business"
- Fixed: EmailAlert module throws exception when saving folder item
- Fixed: Make "Hidden Items" available to "Sitecore Client Maintaining" role
- Fixed: Field types for the product template are set incorrectly
- Fixed: Sitecore Client Maintaining role should have write/rename/create/delete permissions to the following nodes: /sitecore/templates, /sitecore/masters
- Cannot reproduce: Double "spot images" folder
- Front-end Design:
All browsers:
• RSS link positioning fixed
• Forum layout fixed, color styles changed to better fit into the demo site look.
• Language selectors are positioned correctly
• home – login – sitemap global menu items maintain correct spacing
• subscribe / unsubscribe buttons are on one line
• news listings on the front page are wrapped correctly
• product details: background no longer slides up to overlap with product image / text
• Demo site now works reasonably well in opera browser (tested on the Opera v9.10) - Proxy Wizard Module has been installed
- Performance tune was done
- SEO module was implemented
- Calendar module was implemented
- Home item is now visible as SCPrinters (using display name)
- Implemented: If the logged in user has a blog, provide a direct link to it
- /Database subfolder is renamed to /App_Database like it should be in the standard 5.3 installation.
- EmailAlert module was upgraded
- Blog. Blog module has been added. The ‘company blog’ page is located at Company -> Company Blogs, and has a “Edward on Printers” blog by Edward the extranet user. The blog has a couple of posts and comments out of the box.
- Proxy Wizard: Proxy Wizard added. Proxy wizard is used to simplify creation of proxies using a button in Content Editor ribbon.
- SCPrinters raw XML feature was added: ability to output item XML in both flavors to demonstrate what it feels like:
http://<demositeurl>/?xml= => Serializer XML flavor of the current item (no children)
http://<demositeurl>/?xml=&deep=true => Serializer XML flavor of the current item and all descendants
http://<demositeurl>/?xml=&xslt=true => XSLT XML flavor of the current item and all descendants (always 'deep')
Implemented: Create some nodes for the Forms module for demonstration purposes - License file is now distributed as a separate file. In VMWare image it’s placed into separate folder for easier navigating.
- Plus Package was updated to the version 1.0.2
- Demo WM Ware image is now run with the WSS3.0
- Demo Image browser was updated to IE7
- MSSQL 2000 databases are now provided with version (in separate ZIP file)
Version 3.0.12
- Inheriting security has been turned on for the /Sitecore/content/Home/Global node
- /Sitecore/content/Home/Global node has been made hidden
- IE 6.0 device has been deleted
- The Sitecore Client Authoring are allowed Write, Rename, Create, and Delete access rights to the Media Library item
- Fixed: Logo not shown (ImageLink.xslt has been modified)
- Fixed: Space replacer is missing in the Web.config.forum
- Fixed: wrong <handler trigger="~/xaml/"… in web.config
- Read access is set to Inherit on The RichText Full profile >> Insert Sitecore Media button for the Everyone role.
- All separators in breadcrumb are made single-angle-brackets.
- The “Advanced” search link has been removed.
- All physical files from /upload folder were removed.
- Obsolete .ashx?db=master was removed where it’s present in media links
- Security settings were corrected:
- Development role – all permissions on /layout, /masters, /templates;
- Marketing role – all permissions on /masters, /templates
- Allow Write, Rename, Create, and Delete access to the SC Printers template folder for the Sitecore Client Maintaining role
- Allow Administer access to the SC Printers template folder for the Sitecore Client Securing role.
- Allow Read and Write field security on the /sitecore/templates/System/templates/Template field/data/Field security field for the Sitecore Client Securing role.
- Order of Forms settings was changed (unused ones were moved to the bottom of the list)
- Variable “FormsDBPath” has been added to make configuring Forms module easier.
- SharePoint module has been installed and configured
- The ‘Rich Text Abstract’ profile has been created and set for the following fields:
- Page » Data » Abstract
- News item » Data » Abstract
- Product » Data » Summary
- Product Category » Data » Abstract
- Section » Teaser » Teaser Text
- Spot » Abstract
- Home » Teaser » Teaser Text
- Spot_List.xslt structure is changed
- Maria is unable to add fields to templates
- Fixed: pressing "Enter" in login box will perform a search, not log you in. (Thanks to John West for the hint)
- Fixed: If the screen is too small, the text in the banner jumps
- Fixed: The "Esco Imports" role is missing from the "extranet" domain.
- Fixed: user Edward should be assigned to the "Esco Imports" role
- Fixed: Rename the "User Defined" folder in the Extranet domain to "Esco Imports"
- Height in Appearance section has been reduced to 100px for the following fields: Product > Summary, Spot > Abstract, Section > Teaser Text, Page > Abstract, Home > Teaser text (Product category, News item templates still has 150px for Abstract field)
- Fixed: Select a suitable icon for SWF files
- Fixed: The font-size inside the table is too small on Company History page
- Fixed: change the template associated with the following items from templates/Common/Folder to templates/System/Templates/Template Folder, assign only two masters __Template, __Template Folder:
- /sitecore/templates/SC Printers
- /sitecore/templates/SC Printers/Contact
- /sitecore/templates/SC Printers/Help
- /sitecore/templates/SC Printers/News
- /sitecore/templates/SC Printers/Product
- /sitecore/templates/SC Printers/Spot
Version 3.0.10 released Thursday 14th November 2006
- Demosite upgraded to Sitecore CMS version 5.3
Version 1.6.1 released Thursday 27th April 2006
- Basic Form implemented
- Added a logout link to the top menu
- My Locked Items portlet has been fixed
- “Exit Forum” button was implemented
- Fixed: Maria does not have rights to create a workflow command under the “Edit_Review”, “Reviewing” workflow step.
- Fixed: Maria is unable to create a new alias
- Fixed: Don’t jump to home page after extranet login
- Fixed: It’s impossible to create a new user in Forum
- Read permission on languages granted to Product Marketing role
- Fixed: Wrong Appearance of TellAFriend form in Firefox
- Fixed: Mail cannot be sent
- Fixed: change the "Our printer range" link
- Unnecessary Windows services on images were stopped
- Known issue: Search in Sitecore client is not working
Version 1.5.1 released Tuesday 11th April
- German version implemented
- XHTML support improved, Site passes on W3C validation on all points
- Unapproved Items portlet has been implemented
- ToDo portlet has been implemented
- Version number was added to footer
- Forum Who-Is-Online feature enabled
- Type of web.config (whether Forum module is enabled) is detected automatically (it was implemented in 1.5.0)
Version 1.5.0 released Friday 7th April
- Word module installed
- Database backup files were renamed (now sc<db_name>.bak)
- Two web.config files (web.config.forum and web.config) are created
- Cosmetic fixes (current language, copyright, etc)
- Localization improved (error messages in Danish and German)
- Delete rights for Marketing Communications to the sitecore/system/Workflow item are granted.
- Write, Rename, Create, Delete, and Administer rights to the Marketing role on the Masters item are granted.
- Search Indexes for Core and Master databases were rebuilt.
- Logged-In Users portlet has been implemented
- The Product Category template / Data / Abstract Image field's source field value was changed to "SC"
- My Locked Items portlet has been implemented
Version 1.4.1 Released Tuesday 4th April
- Security: Full update on user security to ensure access to all relevant areas
- Sharepoint: anonymous access from Sitecore (no login pop-up on the contacts page) and edit rights in SHhrePoint contacts
- Categorisation: Product search filtering on structured data
- Small Additions: E-mail validation on newsletter field, C ontent Marker on a printer page, Tell a Friend and Print available on every page